Cheating Death


Pub. 1994 / 174pp

Cheating Death recaptures 18 adventures in Alaska's wild including whitewater, fishing--both sports and commercial, aviation, mountain climbing, dog mushing, moose goring and a bear that saves its hunters, a deep sea diver and a giant octopus and a lost hunter. You'll thrill to the adventure between these pages.

The heroes of Cheating Death are ordinary people suddenly thrust into desperate and dramatic peril. Readers may ask: “How would I do in the same situation? Would I measure up? Would I have the strength and resourcefulness to survive?” The reassuring answer is that the toughest tests seem to bring out the best response; people rise to meet the danger.

Fisherman Hank Elmore knew that the icy waters of Cook Inlet could kill him in less than an hour, but as he swam from a sinking boat, his thoughts focused only on survival. Sonie Blackwell believed she was going to die as water filled the cockpit of her crashed plane, but she kept fighting. Dave Nyman stubbornly refused to be beaten by a series of avalanches that battered him and his climbing partner.

As remarkable as Alaska is, the people whose stories are told in this book are more remarkable yet. Their experiences are an inspiring testimony to the bravery and resilience of the human spirit.

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